Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 05:10 CST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 22603175
Total Files 22494490
Total Pages 22528646
Total Visits 1087034
Total KBytes 212971784
Total Unique Sites 26239
Total Unique URLs 2911
Total Unique Referrers 3067
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 8347
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 30380 59948
Hits per Day 729134 1087518
Files per Day 725628 1084163
Pages per Day 726730 1085159
Sites per Day 846 12917
Visits per Day 35065 45424
KBytes per Day 6870058 10712383
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.03% 6740
Code 200 - OK 99.52% 22494490
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 24
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 27
Code 302 - Found 0.01% 2241
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.15% 33026
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 637
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 35
Code 404 - Not Found 0.29% 65012
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.00% 13
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.00% 909
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 0.00% 20
Code 504 - Gateway Timeout 0.00% 1

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 398422 1.76% 394136 1.75% 396082 1.76% 36269 3.34% 9990 38.07% 4916135 2.31%
2 287754 1.27% 283849 1.26% 285103 1.27% 40502 3.73% 8874 33.82% 3676862 1.73%
3 736418 3.26% 732707 3.26% 734116 3.26% 41534 3.82% 9540 36.36% 8053018 3.78%
4 992342 4.39% 988672 4.40% 989651 4.39% 39539 3.64% 9219 35.13% 10461843 4.91%
5 991321 4.39% 987226 4.39% 988000 4.39% 38755 3.57% 9400 35.82% 10118190 4.75%
6 994531 4.40% 990163 4.40% 992115 4.40% 36020 3.31% 8690 33.12% 10384744 4.88%
7 702728 3.11% 699029 3.11% 700173 3.11% 36372 3.35% 9085 34.62% 7490022 3.52%
8 710788 3.14% 707198 3.14% 708223 3.14% 37249 3.43% 9135 34.81% 7931705 3.72%
9 871048 3.85% 866862 3.85% 868413 3.85% 31749 2.92% 10168 38.75% 9498507 4.46%
10 898924 3.98% 895388 3.98% 896437 3.98% 30675 2.82% 10353 39.46% 9938779 4.67%
11 707573 3.13% 703631 3.13% 704314 3.13% 34589 3.18% 9422 35.91% 9205031 4.32%
12 607679 2.69% 604377 2.69% 605119 2.69% 31168 2.87% 8632 32.90% 6994246 3.28%
13 769871 3.41% 766711 3.41% 767486 3.41% 32313 2.97% 8409 32.05% 8955886 4.21%
14 810365 3.59% 807005 3.59% 807894 3.59% 45424 4.18% 12917 49.23% 9404405 4.42%
15 890346 3.94% 886659 3.94% 887822 3.94% 42726 3.93% 12524 47.73% 9640122 4.53%
16 919057 4.07% 915401 4.07% 916812 4.07% 40928 3.77% 12592 47.99% 9695797 4.55%
17 670677 2.97% 667353 2.97% 668246 2.97% 37050 3.41% 10333 39.38% 7305610 3.43%
18 366867 1.62% 363152 1.61% 364389 1.62% 35506 3.27% 9292 35.41% 4842729 2.27%
19 198304 0.88% 195056 0.87% 196037 0.87% 38276 3.52% 7913 30.16% 2681775 1.26%
20 176418 0.78% 173310 0.77% 174340 0.77% 33131 3.05% 7410 28.24% 2635437 1.24%
21 852375 3.77% 849108 3.77% 850151 3.77% 31880 2.93% 8414 32.07% 9086886 4.27%
22 1024917 4.53% 1021808 4.54% 1022734 4.54% 39837 3.66% 12472 47.53% 10712383 5.03%
23 395509 1.75% 392105 1.74% 393303 1.75% 35718 3.29% 11242 42.84% 3288229 1.54%
24 724359 3.20% 721083 3.21% 722210 3.21% 30921 2.84% 9315 35.50% 4197404 1.97%
25 1087518 4.81% 1084163 4.82% 1085159 4.82% 30122 2.77% 10004 38.13% 5694319 2.67%
26 1032848 4.57% 1029754 4.58% 1030727 4.58% 30583 2.81% 9708 37.00% 5212636 2.45%
27 1046327 4.63% 1043102 4.64% 1044242 4.64% 30534 2.81% 8837 33.68% 4839595 2.27%
28 1008180 4.46% 1005160 4.47% 1006069 4.47% 29467 2.71% 8720 33.23% 5324532 2.50%
29 567691 2.51% 564602 2.51% 565576 2.51% 33416 3.07% 7931 30.23% 3594574 1.69%
30 445920 1.97% 442621 1.97% 443758 1.97% 38078 3.50% 8131 30.99% 3050648 1.43%
31 716098 3.17% 713099 3.17% 713945 3.17% 30203 2.78% 9182 34.99% 4139736 1.94%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 21887 678499 3.00% 21769 674862 3.00% 21797 675737 3.00% 211857 6567560 3.08%
1 30868 956934 4.23% 30764 953695 4.24% 30792 954558 4.24% 274639 8513811 4.00%
2 29833 924841 4.09% 29736 921829 4.10% 29762 922632 4.10% 265126 8218916 3.86%
3 29947 928362 4.11% 29859 925634 4.11% 29880 926285 4.11% 266522 8262185 3.88%
4 29485 914046 4.04% 29384 910910 4.05% 29419 912004 4.05% 268718 8330260 3.91%
5 31611 979952 4.34% 31502 976583 4.34% 31526 977310 4.34% 290326 9000113 4.23%
6 32985 1022538 4.52% 32861 1018694 4.53% 32885 1019442 4.53% 313503 9718591 4.56%
7 34240 1061450 4.70% 34074 1056314 4.70% 34126 1057912 4.70% 327380 10148773 4.77%
8 36325 1126091 4.98% 36120 1119730 4.98% 36190 1121918 4.98% 365058 11316805 5.31%
9 33604 1041737 4.61% 33428 1036268 4.61% 33491 1038234 4.61% 330574 10247780 4.81%
10 33526 1039323 4.60% 33338 1033508 4.59% 33411 1035747 4.60% 328389 10180063 4.78%
11 32037 993175 4.39% 31859 987639 4.39% 31924 989664 4.39% 319824 9914544 4.66%
12 31975 991255 4.39% 31824 986550 4.39% 31869 987948 4.39% 292422 9065096 4.26%
13 31960 990776 4.38% 31800 985807 4.38% 31857 987573 4.38% 293111 9086448 4.27%
14 30644 949966 4.20% 30482 944952 4.20% 30532 946510 4.20% 287294 8906105 4.18%
15 29504 914652 4.05% 29349 909832 4.04% 29405 911560 4.05% 277352 8597907 4.04%
16 31284 969806 4.29% 31125 964904 4.29% 31182 966661 4.29% 300885 9327440 4.38%
17 29594 917442 4.06% 29448 912899 4.06% 29502 914585 4.06% 277495 8602350 4.04%
18 29908 927165 4.10% 29771 922901 4.10% 29808 924076 4.10% 280010 8680300 4.08%
19 30675 950932 4.21% 30518 946074 4.21% 30569 947647 4.21% 291826 9046610 4.25%
20 29433 912445 4.04% 29267 907287 4.03% 29316 908809 4.03% 277528 8603365 4.04%
21 26138 810278 3.58% 25982 805443 3.58% 26029 806912 3.58% 244595 7582444 3.56%
22 23291 722033 3.19% 23135 717195 3.19% 23180 718610 3.19% 224224 6950943 3.26%
23 28370 879477 3.89% 28225 874980 3.89% 28268 876312 3.89% 261399 8103374 3.80%

Top 30 of 2911 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 14529040 64.28% 44835184 21.05% /Bible2/cgic201/dic.cgi
2 7567043 33.48% 131045186 61.53% /Bible2/cgic201/read201.cgi
3 158258 0.70% 11088628 5.21% /Bible2/cgic201/search101.cgi
4 63556 0.28% 5441835 2.56% /Bible2/cgic201/read101.cgi
5 43133 0.19% 341663 0.16% /Bible2/cgic201/read100.html
6 19313 0.09% 104108 0.05% /welcome.html
7 17190 0.08% 72548 0.03% /read_a.cgi
8 16120 0.07% 99973 0.05% /Bible2/cgic201/search100.html
9 12982 0.06% 217241 0.10% /Bible2/cgic201/read202.cgi
10 11353 0.05% 37266 0.02% /
11 7462 0.03% 24220 0.01% /read5.cgi
12 7247 0.03% 32702 0.02% /Bible2/cgic201/
13 7031 0.03% 172038 0.08% /Bible2/cgic201/searchdic.cgi
14 6512 0.03% 40105 0.02% /Bible2/cgic201/Doc/abbreviation.html
15 5702 0.03% 82996 0.04% /Bible2/cgic201/read201.cgi/trackback/read201.cgi
16 5672 0.03% 66257 0.03% /Bible2/cgic201/read401.cgi
17 4827 0.02% 44532 0.02% /Bible2/cgic201/read201.cgi/trackback/dic.cgi
18 3989 0.02% 268373 0.13% /Bible2/cgic201/search102.cgi
19 3653 0.02% 333848 0.16% /Bible2/cgic201/bible_php102.html
20 1219 0.01% 9387 0.00% /Bible2/cgic201/search102.html
21 1153 0.01% 4144 0.00% /reword.html
22 1070 0.00% 970 0.00% /search5.html
23 1032 0.00% 8138 0.00% /read2.html
24 947 0.00% 888 0.00% /search.html
25 809 0.00% 8622 0.00% /Bible2/cgic201/read001.cgi
26 719 0.00% 8061 0.00% /Bible2/cgic201/read301.cgi
27 683 0.00% 1663 0.00% /about.html
28 678 0.00% 29527 0.01% /Bible2/cgic201/read100.cgi
29 666 0.00% 5 0.00% /Bible2/cgic201/ss.css
30 653 0.00% 5873 0.00% /Bible2/cgic201/read202.html

Top 10 of 2911 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 7567043 33.48% 131045186 61.53% /Bible2/cgic201/read201.cgi
2 14529040 64.28% 44835184 21.05% /Bible2/cgic201/dic.cgi
3 158258 0.70% 11088628 5.21% /Bible2/cgic201/search101.cgi
4 63556 0.28% 5441835 2.56% /Bible2/cgic201/read101.cgi
5 222 0.00% 512608 0.24% /Bible2/cgic201/Data/hgb.txt
6 7 0.00% 491510 0.23% /
7 43133 0.19% 341663 0.16% /Bible2/cgic201/read100.html
8 3653 0.02% 333848 0.16% /Bible2/cgic201/bible_php102.html
9 3989 0.02% 268373 0.13% /Bible2/cgic201/search102.cgi
10 12982 0.06% 217241 0.10% /Bible2/cgic201/read202.cgi

Top 10 of 129 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 14529040 64.28% 511264 47.31% /Bible2/cgic201/dic.cgi
2 7567043 33.48% 414226 38.33% /Bible2/cgic201/read201.cgi
3 158258 0.70% 49713 4.60% /Bible2/cgic201/search101.cgi
4 63556 0.28% 28592 2.65% /Bible2/cgic201/read101.cgi
5 43133 0.19% 18315 1.69% /Bible2/cgic201/read100.html
6 19313 0.09% 9427 0.87% /welcome.html
7 11353 0.05% 6199 0.57% /
8 16120 0.07% 5757 0.53% /Bible2/cgic201/search100.html
9 17190 0.08% 5099 0.47% /read_a.cgi
10 12982 0.06% 5060 0.47% /Bible2/cgic201/read202.cgi

Top 10 of 130 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 14529040 64.28% 507550 46.99% /Bible2/cgic201/dic.cgi
2 7567043 33.48% 427921 39.62% /Bible2/cgic201/read201.cgi
3 158258 0.70% 49622 4.59% /Bible2/cgic201/search101.cgi
4 63556 0.28% 28315 2.62% /Bible2/cgic201/read101.cgi
5 43133 0.19% 14721 1.36% /Bible2/cgic201/read100.html
6 19313 0.09% 5868 0.54% /welcome.html
7 12982 0.06% 5221 0.48% /Bible2/cgic201/read202.cgi
8 17190 0.08% 4928 0.46% /read_a.cgi
9 11353 0.05% 4815 0.45% /
10 16120 0.07% 4270 0.40% /Bible2/cgic201/search100.html

Top 30 of 26239 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 93961 0.42% 93942 0.42% 742655 0.35% 80 0.01%
2 93165 0.41% 93152 0.41% 736098 0.35% 97 0.01%
3 92736 0.41% 92706 0.41% 732001 0.34% 79 0.01%
4 91899 0.41% 91880 0.41% 728641 0.34% 76 0.01%
5 67300 0.30% 67287 0.30% 521346 0.24% 97 0.01%
6 67234 0.30% 67222 0.30% 527484 0.25% 86 0.01%
7 66883 0.30% 66869 0.30% 506728 0.24% 98 0.01%
8 66844 0.30% 66834 0.30% 510164 0.24% 94 0.01%
9 66808 0.30% 66796 0.30% 504676 0.24% 87 0.01%
10 66336 0.29% 66322 0.29% 520867 0.24% 81 0.01%
11 66294 0.29% 66281 0.29% 506578 0.24% 83 0.01%
12 65479 0.29% 65466 0.29% 499114 0.23% 88 0.01%
13 61744 0.27% 61732 0.27% 497606 0.23% 101 0.01%
14 61507 0.27% 61493 0.27% 496095 0.23% 114 0.01%
15 61466 0.27% 61451 0.27% 493356 0.23% 129 0.01%
16 61307 0.27% 61296 0.27% 493233 0.23% 125 0.01%
17 61243 0.27% 61234 0.27% 487416 0.23% 103 0.01%
18 61186 0.27% 61180 0.27% 488117 0.23% 130 0.01%
19 60944 0.27% 60936 0.27% 489368 0.23% 124 0.01%
20 60936 0.27% 60927 0.27% 494298 0.23% 105 0.01%
21 60885 0.27% 60870 0.27% 484606 0.23% 115 0.01%
22 60856 0.27% 60843 0.27% 498446 0.23% 128 0.01%
23 60837 0.27% 60826 0.27% 517271 0.24% 109 0.01%
24 60738 0.27% 60721 0.27% 484909 0.23% 109 0.01%
25 60599 0.27% 60584 0.27% 488318 0.23% 121 0.01%
26 60583 0.27% 60572 0.27% 481240 0.23% 126 0.01%
27 60536 0.27% 60518 0.27% 494685 0.23% 113 0.01%
28 60532 0.27% 60522 0.27% 492310 0.23% 124 0.01%
29 60514 0.27% 60500 0.27% 500466 0.23% 126 0.01%
30 60493 0.27% 60484 0.27% 483214 0.23% 114 0.01%

Top 10 of 26239 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 93961 0.42% 93942 0.42% 742655 0.35% 80 0.01%
2 93165 0.41% 93152 0.41% 736098 0.35% 97 0.01%
3 92736 0.41% 92706 0.41% 732001 0.34% 79 0.01%
4 91899 0.41% 91880 0.41% 728641 0.34% 76 0.01%
5 67234 0.30% 67222 0.30% 527484 0.25% 86 0.01%
6 67300 0.30% 67287 0.30% 521346 0.24% 97 0.01%
7 66336 0.29% 66322 0.29% 520867 0.24% 81 0.01%
8 60837 0.27% 60826 0.27% 517271 0.24% 109 0.01%
9 51762 0.23% 51748 0.23% 513577 0.24% 48 0.00%
10 66844 0.30% 66834 0.30% 510164 0.24% 94 0.01%

Top 30 of 3067 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 12057411 53.34% - (Direct Request)
2 6998100 30.96%
3 2631555 11.64%
4 328302 1.45%
5 145277 0.64%
6 109790 0.49%
7 82159 0.36%
8 56393 0.25%
9 53312 0.24%
10 17946 0.08%
11 14293 0.06%
12 12928 0.06%
13 7056 0.03%
14 6154 0.03%
15 5600 0.02%
16 5470 0.02%
17 5181 0.02%
18 4883 0.02%
19 4352 0.02%
20 3967 0.02%
21 3934 0.02%
22 3505 0.02%
23 3404 0.02%
24 2598 0.01%
25 2293 0.01%
26 2289 0.01%
27 2114 0.01%
28 2037 0.01%
29 1748 0.01%
30 1696 0.01%

Top 20 of 233 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1133 7.84%
2 728 5.04%
3 615 4.26%
4 604 4.18%
5 504 3.49%
6 479 3.31%
7 433 3.00%
8 390 2.70%
9 350 2.42%
10 323 2.24%
11 318 2.20%
12 309 2.14%
13 303 2.10%
14 293 2.03%
15 264 1.83%
16 226 1.56%
17 216 1.49%
18 209 1.45%
19 196 1.36%
20 193 1.34%

Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 16 0.00% 1 0.00% mike

Top 15 of 8347 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 20507584 90.73% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
2 225458 1.00% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
3 218880 0.97% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
4 145700 0.64% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/125.0.6422.65 Mobile
5 125697 0.56% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.118 Mobile
6 89202 0.39% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
7 85081 0.38% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
8 72744 0.32% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
9 71906 0.32% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
10 59806 0.26% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/124.0.6367.155 Mobile
11 56165 0.25% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_4_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4.1 Mobile/15E14
12 53562 0.24% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
13 44903 0.20% Sogou web spider/4.0(+
14 44858 0.20% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/
15 42607 0.19% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 2 of 2 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 22603173 100.00% 22494514 100.00% 212971783 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown
2 2 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Commercial (com)

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23