Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: June 2024
Generated 01-Jul-2024 05:16 CST

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for June 2024
Total Hits 11297650
Total Files 11202752
Total Pages 11230892
Total Visits 1359905
Total KBytes 106450059
Total Unique Sites 28578
Total Unique URLs 2325
Total Unique Referrers 691
Total Unique Usernames 2
Total Unique User Agents 6875
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 15691 46423
Hits per Day 376588 868766
Files per Day 373425 865259
Pages per Day 374363 866500
Sites per Day 952 16184
Visits per Day 45330 67998
KBytes per Day 3548335 16940926
Hits by Response Code
Undefined response code 0.04% 5036
Code 200 - OK 99.16% 11202752
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.00% 20
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 38
Code 302 - Found 0.02% 2332
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.23% 25826
Code 400 - Bad Request 0.00% 481
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.00% 16
Code 404 - Not Found 0.53% 60302
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 0.00% 12
Code 408 - Request Timeout 0.00% 6
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 0.01% 819
Code 504 - Gateway Timeout 0.00% 10

Daily usage for June 2024

Daily Statistics for June 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 534970 4.74% 531640 4.75% 532858 4.74% 34396 2.53% 9813 34.34% 3399970 3.19%
2 326561 2.89% 323223 2.89% 324403 2.89% 41758 3.07% 10123 35.42% 2683257 2.52%
3 382255 3.38% 378972 3.38% 380013 3.38% 39096 2.87% 9209 32.22% 6926212 6.51%
4 690304 6.11% 686679 6.13% 688038 6.13% 29994 2.21% 9796 34.28% 4074640 3.83%
5 666807 5.90% 663667 5.92% 664705 5.92% 29136 2.14% 7916 27.70% 4043007 3.80%
6 868766 7.69% 865259 7.72% 866500 7.72% 32562 2.39% 7993 27.97% 4655469 4.37%
7 572037 5.06% 568869 5.08% 569975 5.08% 38747 2.85% 9561 33.46% 3361553 3.16%
8 429496 3.80% 426057 3.80% 427211 3.80% 35461 2.61% 8862 31.01% 2899024 2.72%
9 284788 2.52% 281918 2.52% 282625 2.52% 40971 3.01% 8867 31.03% 2239558 2.10%
10 258227 2.29% 255466 2.28% 256093 2.28% 35676 2.62% 9143 31.99% 2419736 2.27%
11 232687 2.06% 229652 2.05% 230596 2.05% 34586 2.54% 9063 31.71% 2254466 2.12%
12 181114 1.60% 177889 1.59% 178902 1.59% 42024 3.09% 11578 40.51% 1748671 1.64%
13 125998 1.12% 122088 1.09% 123690 1.10% 42160 3.10% 13124 45.92% 1374891 1.29%
14 610843 5.41% 607490 5.42% 608541 5.42% 41824 3.08% 10459 36.60% 16940926 15.91%
15 646417 5.72% 643356 5.74% 644061 5.73% 46266 3.40% 11282 39.48% 4064199 3.82%
16 397319 3.52% 394518 3.52% 395227 3.52% 40387 2.97% 11023 38.57% 3503116 3.29%
17 490844 4.34% 487874 4.35% 488618 4.35% 34875 2.56% 10649 37.26% 3815708 3.58%
18 432326 3.83% 429214 3.83% 430134 3.83% 32533 2.39% 10997 38.48% 3163910 2.97%
19 352389 3.12% 349577 3.12% 350135 3.12% 51717 3.80% 12338 43.17% 3254414 3.06%
20 264204 2.34% 260561 2.33% 261918 2.33% 55485 4.08% 10858 37.99% 2892793 2.72%
21 295933 2.62% 292899 2.61% 293529 2.61% 66605 4.90% 16184 56.63% 2957827 2.78%
22 364133 3.22% 360314 3.22% 361618 3.22% 49784 3.66% 10864 38.02% 3507842 3.30%
23 443673 3.93% 440583 3.93% 441312 3.93% 54764 4.03% 12933 45.26% 3887962 3.65%
24 356496 3.16% 353542 3.16% 354352 3.16% 47245 3.47% 12232 42.80% 2752167 2.59%
25 256471 2.27% 253758 2.27% 254374 2.26% 52950 3.89% 9779 34.22% 2184589 2.05%
26 246418 2.18% 243297 2.17% 244241 2.17% 59107 4.35% 9747 34.11% 2807134 2.64%
27 145264 1.29% 142241 1.27% 143023 1.27% 64742 4.76% 9306 32.56% 1944527 1.83%
28 175963 1.56% 172780 1.54% 173688 1.55% 67998 5.00% 10003 35.00% 2408332 2.26%
29 140332 1.24% 137467 1.23% 138002 1.23% 66080 4.86% 10343 36.19% 2199416 2.07%
30 124615 1.10% 121902 1.09% 122510 1.09% 67371 4.95% 10907 38.17% 2084742 1.96%

Hourly usage for June 2024

Hourly Statistics for June 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 12480 374413 3.31% 12377 371324 3.31% 12404 372149 3.31% 102903 3087079 2.90%
1 15198 455944 4.04% 15101 453038 4.04% 15123 453711 4.04% 109057 3271716 3.07%
2 14701 441034 3.90% 14606 438194 3.91% 14637 439120 3.91% 99608 2988255 2.81%
3 15881 476458 4.22% 15802 474069 4.23% 15817 474539 4.23% 104713 3141405 2.95%
4 15759 472781 4.18% 15662 469885 4.19% 15696 470903 4.19% 100859 3025783 2.84%
5 16377 491326 4.35% 16279 488378 4.36% 16300 489003 4.35% 112331 3369922 3.17%
6 15033 450991 3.99% 14917 447520 3.99% 14941 448254 3.99% 116922 3507672 3.30%
7 16261 487854 4.32% 16129 483888 4.32% 16163 484910 4.32% 126518 3795555 3.57%
8 16231 486954 4.31% 16075 482250 4.30% 16118 483560 4.31% 127890 3836704 3.60%
9 16262 487887 4.32% 16068 482068 4.30% 16147 484419 4.31% 133842 4015251 3.77%
10 15728 471844 4.18% 15552 466581 4.16% 15616 468504 4.17% 286949 8608477 8.09%
11 16527 495813 4.39% 16376 491298 4.39% 16423 492717 4.39% 131486 3944570 3.71%
12 16955 508677 4.50% 16823 504697 4.51% 16860 505823 4.50% 574633 17238989 16.19%
13 15606 468207 4.14% 15451 463546 4.14% 15502 465089 4.14% 131066 3931966 3.69%
14 15809 474295 4.20% 15657 469719 4.19% 15707 471217 4.20% 148009 4440263 4.17%
15 16388 491643 4.35% 16226 486807 4.35% 16293 488794 4.35% 128228 3846826 3.61%
16 15561 466858 4.13% 15431 462936 4.13% 15469 464072 4.13% 130088 3902655 3.67%
17 16814 504440 4.46% 16684 500527 4.47% 16721 501646 4.47% 130407 3912205 3.68%
18 16105 483155 4.28% 15982 479481 4.28% 16017 480538 4.28% 113775 3413258 3.21%
19 14938 448168 3.97% 14803 444112 3.96% 14844 445328 3.97% 126292 3788755 3.56%
20 15004 450144 3.98% 14853 445599 3.98% 14896 446890 3.98% 132585 3977537 3.74%
21 15542 466274 4.13% 15403 462102 4.12% 15438 463144 4.12% 133291 3998723 3.76%
22 16117 483518 4.28% 15977 479336 4.28% 16012 480383 4.28% 129594 3887821 3.65%
23 15299 458972 4.06% 15179 455397 4.07% 15205 456179 4.06% 117289 3518672 3.31%

Top 30 of 2325 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 8470313 74.97% 29174025 27.41% /Bible2/cgic201/dic.cgi
2 2374729 21.02% 26990734 25.36% /Bible2/cgic201/read201.cgi
3 146728 1.30% 11726558 11.02% /Bible2/cgic201/search101.cgi
4 58635 0.52% 5038019 4.73% /Bible2/cgic201/read101.cgi
5 36819 0.33% 308617 0.29% /Bible2/cgic201/read100.html
6 16420 0.15% 88629 0.08% /welcome.html
7 15372 0.14% 293442 0.28% /Bible2/cgic201/read202.cgi
8 13988 0.12% 92236 0.09% /Bible2/cgic201/search100.html
9 10092 0.09% 143890 0.14% /Bible2/cgic201/read401.cgi
10 9726 0.09% 32153 0.03% /
11 7208 0.06% 22482 0.02% /read5.cgi
12 7069 0.06% 178135 0.17% /Bible2/cgic201/searchdic.cgi
13 6659 0.06% 29259 0.03% /read_a.cgi
14 6576 0.06% 41011 0.04% /Bible2/cgic201/Doc/abbreviation.html
15 5575 0.05% 25117 0.02% /Bible2/cgic201/
16 4003 0.04% 36587 0.03% /Bible2/cgic201/read201.cgi/trackback/dic.cgi
17 3650 0.03% 327440 0.31% /Bible2/cgic201/search102.cgi
18 3271 0.03% 304649 0.29% /Bible2/cgic201/bible_php102.html
19 3166 0.03% 41125 0.04% /Bible2/cgic201/read201.cgi/trackback/read201.cgi
20 1256 0.01% 13471 0.01% /Bible2/cgic201/read301.cgi
21 910 0.01% 7295 0.01% /Bible2/cgic201/search102.html
22 755 0.01% 8061 0.01% /Bible2/cgic201/read001.cgi
23 726 0.01% 7239 0.01% /Bible2/cgic201/read401.html
24 684 0.01% 31727 0.03% /Bible2/cgic201/read100.cgi
25 670 0.01% 3 0.00% /Bible2/cgic201/ss.css
26 670 0.01% 5154 0.00% /read2.html
27 525 0.00% 4730 0.00% /Bible2/cgic201/read202.html
28 404 0.00% 2359 0.00% /Bible2/cgic201/Format/b2.js
29 373 0.00% 112 0.00% /Bible2/cgic201/Format/codes.js
30 367 0.00% 16014 0.02% /Bible2/cgic201/bible1.html

Top 10 of 2325 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 8470313 74.97% 29174025 27.41% /Bible2/cgic201/dic.cgi
2 2374729 21.02% 26990734 25.36% /Bible2/cgic201/read201.cgi
3 7 0.00% 17907879 16.82% /
4 146728 1.30% 11726558 11.02% /Bible2/cgic201/search101.cgi
5 58635 0.52% 5038019 4.73% /Bible2/cgic201/read101.cgi
6 3650 0.03% 327440 0.31% /Bible2/cgic201/search102.cgi
7 36819 0.33% 308617 0.29% /Bible2/cgic201/read100.html
8 3271 0.03% 304649 0.29% /Bible2/cgic201/bible_php102.html
9 15372 0.14% 293442 0.28% /Bible2/cgic201/read202.cgi
10 7069 0.06% 178135 0.17% /Bible2/cgic201/searchdic.cgi

Top 10 of 130 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 8470313 74.97% 805890 59.52% /Bible2/cgic201/dic.cgi
2 2374729 21.02% 401270 29.64% /Bible2/cgic201/read201.cgi
3 146728 1.30% 52171 3.85% /Bible2/cgic201/search101.cgi
4 58635 0.52% 26685 1.97% /Bible2/cgic201/read101.cgi
5 36819 0.33% 15929 1.18% /Bible2/cgic201/read100.html
6 16420 0.15% 8227 0.61% /welcome.html
7 15372 0.14% 6741 0.50% /Bible2/cgic201/read202.cgi
8 13988 0.12% 5245 0.39% /Bible2/cgic201/search100.html
9 9726 0.09% 5201 0.38% /
10 6576 0.06% 3515 0.26% /Bible2/cgic201/Doc/abbreviation.html

Top 10 of 131 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 8470313 74.97% 806007 59.58% /Bible2/cgic201/dic.cgi
2 2374729 21.02% 408990 30.23% /Bible2/cgic201/read201.cgi
3 146728 1.30% 52156 3.86% /Bible2/cgic201/search101.cgi
4 58635 0.52% 26292 1.94% /Bible2/cgic201/read101.cgi
5 36819 0.33% 13120 0.97% /Bible2/cgic201/read100.html
6 15372 0.14% 6982 0.52% /Bible2/cgic201/read202.cgi
7 16420 0.15% 4946 0.37% /welcome.html
8 9726 0.09% 4054 0.30% /
9 13988 0.12% 3831 0.28% /Bible2/cgic201/search100.html
10 6576 0.06% 3559 0.26% /Bible2/cgic201/Doc/abbreviation.html

Top 30 of 28578 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 41657 0.37% 41649 0.37% 202498 0.19% 51 0.00%
2 41144 0.36% 41138 0.37% 201654 0.19% 50 0.00%
3 41030 0.36% 41025 0.37% 209788 0.20% 44 0.00%
4 40554 0.36% 40545 0.36% 196103 0.18% 43 0.00%
5 34249 0.30% 34246 0.31% 164138 0.15% 98 0.01%
6 34116 0.30% 34112 0.30% 164794 0.15% 105 0.01%
7 33827 0.30% 33825 0.30% 164216 0.15% 90 0.01%
8 33666 0.30% 33664 0.30% 164733 0.15% 96 0.01%
9 33571 0.30% 33567 0.30% 166418 0.16% 109 0.01%
10 33494 0.30% 33489 0.30% 160950 0.15% 100 0.01%
11 33468 0.30% 33462 0.30% 163037 0.15% 97 0.01%
12 33268 0.29% 33265 0.30% 171701 0.16% 106 0.01%
13 25192 0.22% 25187 0.22% 121018 0.11% 116 0.01%
14 25139 0.22% 25139 0.22% 128661 0.12% 111 0.01%
15 25114 0.22% 25107 0.22% 121293 0.11% 117 0.01%
16 25049 0.22% 25048 0.22% 120706 0.11% 123 0.01%
17 25042 0.22% 25037 0.22% 121495 0.11% 106 0.01%
18 24991 0.22% 24990 0.22% 134136 0.13% 115 0.01%
19 24986 0.22% 24982 0.22% 123326 0.12% 115 0.01%
20 24871 0.22% 24868 0.22% 123638 0.12% 99 0.01%
21 24866 0.22% 24855 0.22% 122706 0.12% 127 0.01%
22 24859 0.22% 24858 0.22% 125267 0.12% 121 0.01%
23 24819 0.22% 24815 0.22% 124609 0.12% 114 0.01%
24 24802 0.22% 24799 0.22% 120497 0.11% 107 0.01%
25 24773 0.22% 24767 0.22% 120161 0.11% 111 0.01%
26 24741 0.22% 24739 0.22% 118735 0.11% 124 0.01%
27 24724 0.22% 24720 0.22% 119849 0.11% 120 0.01%
28 24701 0.22% 24695 0.22% 119161 0.11% 118 0.01%
29 24678 0.22% 24675 0.22% 123530 0.12% 109 0.01%
30 24665 0.22% 24662 0.22% 118338 0.11% 118 0.01%

Top 10 of 28578 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 4 0.00% 4 0.00% 15593800 14.65% 0 0.00%
2 5 0.00% 5 0.00% 2318147 2.18% 0 0.00%
3 41030 0.36% 41025 0.37% 209788 0.20% 44 0.00%
4 10668 0.09% 10461 0.09% 208555 0.20% 158 0.01%
5 11553 0.10% 11312 0.10% 207991 0.20% 143 0.01%
6 41657 0.37% 41649 0.37% 202498 0.19% 51 0.00%
7 41144 0.36% 41138 0.37% 201654 0.19% 50 0.00%
8 11099 0.10% 10884 0.10% 196291 0.18% 165 0.01%
9 40554 0.36% 40545 0.36% 196103 0.18% 43 0.00%
10 11077 0.10% 10881 0.10% 196067 0.18% 153 0.01%

Top 30 of 691 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 6275021 55.54% - (Direct Request)
2 3549351 31.42%
3 663376 5.87%
4 293273 2.60%
5 139752 1.24%
6 98210 0.87%
7 75490 0.67%
8 51529 0.46%
9 34888 0.31%
10 15173 0.13%
11 13220 0.12%
12 11778 0.10%
13 6416 0.06%
14 5747 0.05%
15 5402 0.05%
16 4894 0.04%
17 4376 0.04%
18 4311 0.04%
19 4067 0.04%
20 3652 0.03%
21 3624 0.03%
22 2447 0.02%
23 2175 0.02%
24 2164 0.02%
25 2127 0.02%
26 2082 0.02%
27 1724 0.02%
28 1645 0.01%
29 1588 0.01%
30 1310 0.01%

Top 20 of 218 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 1020 7.63%
2 692 5.18%
3 613 4.59%
4 496 3.71%
5 486 3.64%
6 412 3.08%
7 358 2.68%
8 332 2.48%
9 330 2.47%
10 309 2.31%
11 300 2.25%
12 295 2.21%
13 288 2.16%
14 282 2.11%
15 280 2.10%
16 264 1.98%
17 219 1.64%
18 218 1.63%
19 194 1.45%
20 192 1.44%

Top 2 of 2 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 7 0.00% 2 0.00% guest
2 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 7 0.00% 2 0.00% root

Top 15 of 6875 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 8694853 76.96% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
2 710845 6.29% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/125.0.6422.175 Mobile
3 211910 1.88% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
4 173857 1.54% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/125.0.6422.168 Mobile
5 165497 1.46% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
6 131293 1.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.4 Safari/605.1.15 (Appleb
7 119912 1.06% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
8 84306 0.75% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; Nexus 5X Build/MMB29P) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/125.0.6422.141 Mobile
9 75365 0.67% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; K) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Mobile Safari/537.36
10 74565 0.66% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; bingbot/2.0; + Chrome/116.0.19
11 67672 0.60% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
12 65266 0.58% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0;) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; PetalBot;+https://
13 60901 0.54% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
14 51887 0.46% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
15 39055 0.35% Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 17_5_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/17.5 Mobile/15E148

Usage by Country for June 2024

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 11297650 100.00% 11202772 100.00% 106450059 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23