非本身之美 Beauty Not Out of You

【作者:取材自Catechetical Help 顧美芬譯剪下一方暖和--喻道小故事 2013.05.19

Once there was a briar growing in the ditch. A man came with a spade , and as he dug around it, the briar said, "What is he going to do with me? Doesn't he see that I am worthless?" In spite of that, the gardener dug up the briar and planted it in his garden among the finest flowers. Again the briar thought, "What a mistake to plant a good-for-nothing briar among such beautiful flowers." But the man, having planted the briar, went away, never heeding the words. After some time he returned with a sharp knife, made a small slit in the briar, and grafted onto it a flower. In due time on that old briar bush began to bloom a great number of fragrant, beautiful flowers. Then the gardener said to the briar bush: "Your present beauty is not due to what came out of you, but what I put into you."

briar 荊棘
spade 鏟子
heed 留心
graft 接枝


1. 荊棘說的話讓我們想到哪一種人?自卑?自大?還是兩種都有的?
2. 想想有誰曾經把美的特質接枝到你生命裡面?

about 【剪下一方暖和】專欄譯者:顧美芬
