毛毛蟲 Caterpillars

【作者:取材自Dr. James Dobson代禱信 / 顧美芬譯剪下一方暖和--喻道小故事 2013.08.18

The great French naturalist Jean-Henri Fabre once conducted a fascinating experiment with processionary caterpillars, so called because they tend to march in unison. He lined them around the inner edge of a flowerpot and then monitored them carefully as they marched in a circle. At the end of the third day, he placed some pine needles, which is the favorite food of caterpillars, in the center of the pot. They continued walking for four more days without breaking rank. Finally, one at a time, they rolled over and died of starvation , just inches from their ideal food source.

These furry little creatures remind me in some ways of today's moms. Most of them are trudging around in circles from morning to night, exhausted and harried, wondering how in the world they can get everything done. Many are employed full-time while also taking care of families, chauffeuring kids, fixing meals, cleaning the house and trying desperately to maintain their marriages, friendships, family relationships and other commitments. It is a backbreaking load. Sadly, this overcommitted and breathless way of life, characterizes the vast majority of people in our society. If you are one of them, what is your favorite food, and how long have you been working without eating?

字彙 processionary 列隊行進的
starvation 飢餓
trudge 用沉重步伐行走
chauffeur 司機(動詞作開車接送)




about 【剪下一方暖和】專欄譯者:顧美芬
