小小错误Minor Errors

【作者:取材自Catechetical Help 顾美芬译剪下一方暖和--喻道小故事 2012.02.26

On September 1, 1983, Korean Airlines Flight 007 departed from Anchorage, Alaska, for Seoul, South Korea. The flight plan called for a direct route, but the aircraft’s computer contained a one-and-a-half degree routing error. The navigation system was therefore inaccurate --a deadly problem for the crew and passengers.

As the plane flew over the Pacific Ocean, it increasingly strayed from its proper course. In time, KAL Flight 007 violated Soviet air space, and was shot out of the sky by a Soviet fighter jet. All aboard lost their lives, because of a “minor error.”



1. 这个「小小的错误」是谁的责任?
2. 我是否在某些地方(如饮食,作息,品格,习惯等等)有所偏差,导致后来严重的问题?

about 【剪下一方暖和】专栏译者:顾美芬
