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A television program during the 1988 Winter Olympics featured blind skier in training for slalom skiing.

The blind skiers were paired with sighted skiers, who skied beside them shouting out commands, “Left!” ”Right!” “Straight ahead!” As they heard and trusted the commands, the blind skiers were able to negotiate the course and cross the finish line, depending solely on the sighted skier’s word. It was either complete trust or disaster !

In this world, we are by nature blind to many things. We have to rely on other people’s advises and the knowledge we obtain ourselves. Jesus says in the Bible, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” It seems that he is a sighted skier and knows the way home. Whose words do you trust, his or yours?


Slalom 挪威弯道滑雪比赛。
Negotiate 克服困难越过障碍,协商。
Disaster 灾难




1. 又看不见又要快速滑雪,不是很恐怖的事吗?你有这种类似经验吗?
2. 你愿意和谁组成一队,听谁的指令,共同滑过生命中的困难雪道?

about 【剪下一方暖和】专栏译者:顾美芬