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A farmer was found kneeling at a soldier’s grave near Nashville, Tennessee. The cemetery caretaker came to him and said, “Why do you pay so much attention to this grave? Was your son buried here?” “No,” he said. “During the war my family were all sick. I was drafted , but I could not leave my wife and children. One of my neighbors came over and said, ‘I will go for you; I have no family.’ He went in my place. He was seriously wounded and taken to the hospital, but soon died. I come here often that I might remember this simple truth, ‘He died for me.’”

The story is told of the pelican that dwells in the remote regions of Africa. The mother pelican loves her tender young and cares and toils for their good. She brings them water from distant watering holes and fishes the seas for their food. In times of severe famine, the pelican feeds her young with her own blood; by feeding them, however, she dies.








about 【剪下一方暖和】专栏译者:顾美芬