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祷告比赞美容易 It is easier to pray than to praise

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It is easier to pray than to praise. In times of great peril , national crises, or personal danger, people will pray for help.

It was natural for George Washington to drop to his knees at Valley Forge and ask God for strength and courage. Abraham Lincoln often confessed that he spent much time in prayer because the responsibilities and challenges of his office were enormous .

A soldier who survived the World War II was asked whether he prayed during the ordeal . He replied, “I guess everybody prayed there.“ While Charles Lindbergh was making his historic flight across the Atlantic, the fans at Yankee Stadium were asked to stand for two minutes to pray for his success. No one thought it strange.

It is at times more difficult to remember to praise and thank God. Ten lepers met Jesus one day. They were in need of help. It was easy for them to pray, “Have mercy upon us.” But only one remembered to return to render praise and thank to Jesus.

We can give praises and thanks for many blessings, the list below is only some of God’s rich blessings to us. You can make it from A to Z.

A for art艺术
B for beauty美
C for children孩子
D for doctors医生
E for education教育
F for friends朋友
G for God神
H for home家
I for immortality不朽
J for Jesus耶稣
K for knowledge知识
L for laughter欢笑
M for music音乐
N for nature自然
O for opportunity机会
P for peace和平
Q for questions疑问
R for romance罗曼史
S for sunsets日落
T for tomorrow明天
U for unity合一
V for victories胜利
W for work工作
X for all the X-tra things we forgot to mention所有忘记提的额外之事
Y for you你
Z for zest热心




乔治华盛顿在Valley Forge战场跪下求神赐力量勇气,这是很自然的事。亚伯拉罕林肯常常承认花很多时间祷告,因为他职务的责任和挑战非常巨大。





1. 你通常在什么情况下会祷告?你的祈求和赞美的比率差不多吗?

2. 岁末年终,我们可以从A到Z 想出26件和上面不同,而值得感谢的事吗?(顺便测试英文程度)

about 【剪下一方暖和】专栏译者:顾美芬