
【作者:榕子移动我视界 2012.02.26

有一部份的皮克斯动画,我看到画风就提不起劲。 《汽车总动员》是其中一部。


「闪电麦坤」以后起之姿角逐活塞杯的冠军席次, 他意气风发、不可一世,鄙夷老将「冠军」跟「路霸」, 几近疯狂的举动虽然使他领先对手一圈, 不换轮胎的代价却是接连爆胎,差点大意失荆州。

比赛在三台车不分胜负的情况下,相约七天后再决胜负。 就在前往加州赛车场的 40 号州际公路上,麦坤意外偏离航道, 阴错阳差进入 66 号公路上的油水车镇。 因为不慎毁损路面,麦坤被罚劳役重铺柏油, 然而就在短短几天内,他的生命开始有了转变...

皮克斯一如其他电影的拼凑手法, 把赛车竞技的速度感,结合了公路电影追寻自我的慢活之旅, 让整部电影在快慢之间有了张力,多了寓意。

麦坤,如同《圣经》里头的雅各,拥有天赋异禀, 却不知好好运用,直到遇上更难缠的对手,才发现自己的局限。 雅各是非常狡诈又只为自己着想的自私鬼, 麦坤则是集三千宠爱于一身,但同样只想到个人秀的讨厌个性。 雅各直到遇见与他摔跤的上帝,才惊觉自己的渺小, 麦坤则是在发现「韩大夫」竟是多年前赢得三座奖杯的传奇人物后, 重新获得审视自己的机会。

其实这类找寻自我的故事与名人不胜枚举, 但在《汽车总动员》里,硬是添加了一些层次感: 首先是架构了一个以「车」为本的世界观, 举凡牲畜及昆虫,无一不是以车为发想的世界, 唯一的例外大概是载着「脱线」逍遥云端的直升机吧!

其次,充分运用 3D 效果打造出逼真的赛车实境与美西公路场景, 让浸淫此道的爱好者找到着力点; 然后再是结合历史脉络的城镇与道路兴衰史, 透过 DVD 收录的创作灵感起源, 让观众了解真有其事的66号公路, 以及过往赖以维生的各小镇荣华与萧条。

最后,则是呼应后美国英雄主义的反动思考, 将结局收在「非」非赢不可的高潮。 老实说,虽然早就预期结局可能会来个颠覆, 但这种结尾也实在是别出心裁(以下小字有地雷!)。 (因为韩大夫当年的一场车祸,中断了赛车界传奇,使麦坤看到路霸因为耍手段害冠军发生严重车祸时, 联想起韩大夫的教训,便在终点线前紧急煞车,回头去把冠军推往终点线,引起全场观众喝采。)

人终其一生追求甚么呢?追求成功吗?甚么是成功? 是一座又一座奖杯,还是一段又一段值得回忆的经历? 随着电影字幕与电影片段的呈现,Brad Paisley 的歌声, 让我们得以再一次放下脚步,走进油水车镇,find myself.

"Cause sometimes when you lose your way, its really just as well."

Find Yourself - by Brad Paisley

When you find yourself
In some far off place
And it causes you to rethink some things
You start to sense that slowly
You're becoming someone else
And then you find yourself

When you make new friends in a brand new town
And you start to think about settlin' down
The things that would have been lost on you
Are now clear as a bell
And you find yourself
Yeah that's when you find yourself

Where you go through life
So sure of where you're headin'
And you wind up lost and it's
The best thing that could have happened
'Cause sometimes when you lose your way it's really just as well
Because you find yourself
Yeah that's when you find yourself

When you meet the one
That you've been waitin' for
And she's everything that you want and more
You look at her and you finally start to live for some one else
And then you find yourself
That's when you find yourself

When we go through life
So sure of where we're headin'
And we wind up lost and it's
The best thing that could have happened
'Cause sometimes when you lose your way it's really just as well
Because you find yourself
Yeah that's when you find yourself
